How do I check the number of connected devices on my router?


Keeping track of the devices connected to your router is essential for maintaining network security and ensuring optimal performance. Whether you’re experiencing slow internet speeds or suspecting unauthorized access, knowing how to check the connected devices can be very helpful. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to check the number of devices on various types of routers.

Table of Contents

Method One: Logging into Your Router

The most straightforward way to check the number of devices connected to your router is by directly logging into the router’s interface. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Find Your Router IP Address: The default IP address is usually mentioned in your router’s manual or label.
  2. Open a Web Browser: Type the router’s IP address into the browser’s address bar and press Enter.
  3. Log In: Use your credentials to log in. The default username and password are often ‘admin’ and ‘password’.
  4. Navigate to Connected Devices: Find the section named ‘Attached Devices’ or ‘Connected Devices’ to view the list of devices.

Example Data

Device Name IP Address MAC Address Status
John’s iPhone 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E Active
Home Laptop 11:22:33:44:55:66 Active
Smart TV AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF Inactive

Method Two: Using a Network Scanner

If you find it difficult to log into your router, you can use network scanning tools. These tools are available for both desktop and mobile devices and can scan your network to identify connected devices.

Popular Network Scanners

  • Fing (available for iOS and Android)
  • Advanced IP Scanner (available for Windows)
  • LanScan (available for macOS)

To use these tools, you simply need to download and install them, then follow the in-app instructions to scan your network.

Common Router-Specific Guides

Netgear Routers

  1. Open a web browser and type
  2. Enter the default login details (username: admin, password: password)
  3. Navigate to ‘Attached Devices’ under the ‘Basic’ tab

Linksys Routers

  1. Open a web browser and type
  2. Enter the default login details (usually both username and password are admin)
  3. Go to ‘Status’ and then ‘Local Network’
  4. Click on ‘DHCP Clients Table’

TP-Link Routers

  1. Open a web browser and type
  2. Enter the default login details (username: admin, password: admin)
  3. Navigate to ‘Wireless’ and then ‘Wireless Statistics’

Securing Your Network

Now that you know how to check the number of connected devices on your router, it’s just as important to ensure your network is secure. Follow these steps to enhance your network security:

Change Default Login Credentials

Many people leave the default router login credentials unchanged. Make sure to set a strong, unique password for accessing your router’s admin interface.

Enable WPA3 Encryption

Ensure you’re using the latest encryption protocol, WPA3, to secure your wireless network.

Set Up a Guest Network

Creating a separate guest network can prevent your main network from becoming overcrowded and unsecured by visitors.

Regularly Update Firmware

Routers receive firmware updates to fix bugs and enhance security features. Make it a habit to check for updates and install them promptly.

Monitor Connected Devices

Regularly check the devices connected to your network. Remove or block any unknown devices to prevent unauthorized access.


Checking the number of devices connected to your router is a fundamental step in maintaining a secure and efficient network. Whether you opt to log into your router or use a network scanner, the steps are straightforward and crucial for any household or business network. Make sure to follow the security tips to protect your network from unauthorized access.

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